0 0In ajunul noptii nuntii, tinarul ungur asculta ultimele sfaturi ale tatalui sau:
- Fiul meu, cind vei intra in camera, iti vei lua femeia in brate pentru ca un ungur e PUTERNIC. Apoi, o arunci in scirba pe pat pentru ca un ungur e MANDRU. Apoi, te dezbraci la pielea goala pentru ca un ungur e FRUMOS.
A doua zi, tatal il intreaba pe fiu ce s-a intimplat:
- Am facut cum mi-ai spus tu, mi-am dus femeia in brate pina in camera, pentru ca un ungur e PUTERNIC, apoi am aruncat-o in scarba pe pat pentru ca un ungur e MINDRU. M-am dezbracat ca sa ii arat ca un ungur e FRUMOS. Apoi m-am masturbat in fata ei ca sa ii arat ca un ungur e INDEPENDENT si AUTONOM ! -
Cat de adevarat e asta!!
At the college, male & female students were told to individually write a sentence using the words 'sex' and 'love.'
Females wrote : When two mature people are passionately and deeply in love with one another to a high degree and that they respect each other very much, then, it is spiritually and morally acceptable to the society that they both engage themselves in the act of physical sex with one another.
Men wrote : 'I love sex.' -
Green, Pink and Yellow
Three presidents, the Bulgarian, the Hungaryan and our Iliescu are applying for EU.
Before the interview, they are advised that they will have to compose a sentence based on these three words: "green", "pink" and "yellow".
The Bulgarian president starts: "I wake up in the morning. I see the yellow sun. I see the green grass and I think to myself:
"Ihope it will be a pink day."
Then the Hungarian president: "I wake up in the morning, I eat a yellow banana, a green pepper and in the evening I watch the pink panther on TV."
And finally the ION ILIESCU: "I wake up in ze morning, I hear ze phone "green...green...", pink up the phone and I say "Yellow?...