Suferințele "zânei": Andreea Marin Bănică, operată din nou la coloană

A ajutat mulți oameni nevoiași, a adus lacrimi de fericire în ochii triști ai celor despărțiți de cei dragi, s-a implicat în numeroase acțiuni umanitare. De data aceasta, "Zâna surprizelor" nu mai poate face minuni. Ea a apelat din nou la medicii turci pentru o afecțiune care îi macină sănătatea de ceva timp. Vedeta se simte bine, iar doctorii nu i-au impus vreo restricție.

A ajutat mulți oameni nevoiași, a adus lacrimi de fericire în ochii triști ai celor despărțiți de cei dragi, s-a implicat în numeroase acțiuni umanitare. De data aceasta, "Zâna surprizelor" nu mai poate face minuni. Ea a apelat din nou la medicii turci pentru o afecțiune care îi macină sănătatea de ceva timp. Vedeta se simte bine, iar doctorii nu i-au impus vreo restricție.

Vedeta s-a întors săptămâna trecută din Turcia, unde a suferit o nouă intervenție chirurgicală. Potrivit cotidianului Cancan, ea se simte foarte bine. "Da, m-am operat la coloană. Am stat doar o zi internată și am plecat din spital pe picioarele mele.

Acum mă simt bine. În afara bandajelor de la spate, care probabil m-au dat de gol, nu am absolut nicio interdicție din partea medicilor", a declarat Andreea Marin pentru Cancan.

În ultimul an, ea a mers cel puțin o dată la trei luni în Istanbul, unde a legat o relație de prietenie cu medicii săi și unde a făcut chiar și gimnastică recuperatorie. Andreea Marin nu a dorit să dea detalii despre problemele ei de sănătate. "Pot să vă spun însă că am mers acolo alături de o româncă pe care, la solicitarea fundației mele, medicii turci au acceptat să o opereze gratuit de cancer la sân și să-i facă și operație de reconstrucție mamară", a declarat ea pentru Cancan.

Andreea Marin a mai fost operată la coloană în urmă cu aproape un an, iar problema ei de sănătate a iscat mai multe speculații în presa mondenă.

La începutul lunii martie, vedeta a vorbit pentru Ştirile Kanal D despre prima intervenţie chirurgicală pe care a suportat-o în Turcia şi despre modul în care decurgea recuperarea. Andreea a explicat atunci și de ce a preferat să se opereze la Istanbul și nu în România. "Nu e o ruşine să spun că am 37 de ani, stau mult la computer şi vârsta îşi spune cuvântul. Am nişte probleme la coloana vertebrală", a spus ea în interviul pe care l-a acordat în clinica Acibadem din Istanbul. "M-am simţit mai bine, am slăbit, m-am simţit mai întinerită. Am întotdeauna în planul doi, în mintea mea, faptul că într-un moment greu am unde să merg şi să mă simt în siguranţă.
Vin aici din trei în trei luni pentru că e doar la o oră distanţă de noi şi mă salvează. În România există medici extraordinari, dar există şi limitare tehnică"
, a explicat ea decizia de a se opera în Turcia.

În toate aparițiile sale publice, Andreea a purtat mereu cu ținute care îi mascau umflătura de la baza gâtului. Pe 7 martie, "Zâna surprizelor" a luat parte la un eveniment monden din Capitală îmbrăcată cu o bluză decoltată la spate, dar fără o eșarfă pe gât, lăsând să se vadă o umflătură ciudată la ceafă. Imaginile publicate atunci de cotidianul Click! demonstrau că soția lui Ștefan Bănică Junior are probleme serioase cu coloana vertebrală.

Foto: Click!


3 Mai 2012

Comentarii (12)

Afiseaza:Cele mai recente|Cronologic

  • stamate letitia elisabeta pe 31 Iul 2013, 17:44
    cancer de san

    Am un cancer de san din 2011 si am fost la marii oncologi din romania care habar nu au de aceasta boala ,dar in schimb se uita sa vada cat le dai , Astfel tratamentul la ei este ZERO.. Singura speranta in vindecare este la DUMNEZEU (care ne-a cam uitat pe noi femeile din aceasta tara blestemata) Andrea Marin este o smschera mcare s-a imbogatit si pe promisiunile facute femeilor mca le ve facilita tramentul in turcia,dar acolo se trateaza ea cu turcul acela dragut ce se iubeste cuea. Asa ca nici-o speranta de la ea .Mai bine murim ca tot nu ne baga nimeni in seama .Conducatorii nostri si ce cu bani se trateaza in strainatate ,noi suntem tratati cu gunoaiele de citostatice pe care le arunca strainii (cu preturi foarte mari ) la bietele femei de la noi.


  • beatrice cane pe 7 Iun 2013, 21:18
    zâna surprizelor

    andreea te urasc dar in acelasi timp te si iubesc.


  • mihai pe 12 Feb 2013, 13:21
    suferintele zanei

    va contacteaza dracul pe voi care sperati in ajutorul ei


  • izabella pe 25 Nov 2012, 12:02
    va rog ajutatima cu fetita mea

    Imi pare rau ca am as trimit o scrisoare pe care o am in English nu pre sint bine cu limba romina ,am 7 copii pina acum 2 ani am muncit la account pentru 7 ani ,Dar din pacate dumnezeu Mia dat o fetita cu sindrome CORNELIA DE LANGE are 75cm, 8.500kg,2ani ,is statul Mia taiat pensia is pentru fata de 1300 eu credetima eu nu pot munci acun din cauza la fetita mea o cheama Diana stavriana va rog ajutatima ,sotul meu nici o data nu a considerato fata ei pntru ca este bolnava , fata mea maninca prin stomac, nu prin gura,nu vorbeste,nu aude are la urechi as auda,nu merge,nu sta in fund,Dar sindromul asta este foarte destept cu mintea, is pentru astama lupt cu ea , Dar nu am ajutor de la nimeni statul cipriot mereu ma considera o straina ,am cetatenie ciprioata,la foarte multe famili care au probleme cu copii nu leau taiat nici un leu din pacate mie miau taiat 1300eu is acum nu am de mincare as dau lacopii meu ,sotul meu nu prea ma inteleg bine nu are de unde as ma ajute cu bani ,este din egipt ,va rog din tot sufletul ajutatima sint is eu rominca singura in Tara asta ,de cnd am nascuto pe stavriana is atitea cheltui am cu ea I'm trebuie aproape 600eu numai pentru IA .va rog afutatima 17/11/2012 EUROPEAN PARLAMENT Please I need help for my family I don’t have food to eat my children All the person is say I am not Cypriot and for this make what is like but I have ID Cypriot Please any government is don’t care about my children don’t have food in the home Hello I have big problem together government in Cyprus ? I call to speak together president CHRISTOFKIA but is say hem secretary I can’t is very difficult to I have appointment together president ? I say why is person like us and is need to care about small children what have many problem . I send paper for minister of health for make appointment to speak together minister but anybody don't care .same women is told me what is work inside the minister to go the TV and after maybe will arrange to se us maybe . I want my daughter to have litter more better life to don’t make all the time out to put same have litter better life pls I will send to you same photo from my daughter but please please help my small daughter stavriana Diana. I can’t work my husband is don’t found job anybody don’t take hem because is from Egypt and is 56 years but is wont to work is can work but anybody don't give any chance I take 3000 eu all my money my daughter need to much money all her medicine I buy I pay money the bank 1000eu every months I have 20000eu to pay . Sorry I told you all my problem but anybody don't care my home have problem come inside waterelectricity have problemI need car 7 chairs the bank don't give to me 1 cent because I don't work ? And my daughter how cares? The government don't help me nothing not medicine when I go the hospital together her all The doctor tell me my daughter will dead this simdrom don’t have in Cyprus only 2 but Don’t have many problems like my daughter. And the BOSS FROM THE HOSPITAL CHAGIDIMITRIOU TOLD ME TO GO ROMANIA TO HELP FOR THE SINDROM any doctor in the hospital don’t care for the child sick like my daughter. THE GOVERMENT EAT THE MONEY FROM THE EUROPE UNION AND DONT HELP THE CHILDREN WHAT HAVE MANY PROBLEM DONT CARE PLS BELLIVE I AM NOT PERSON TO SPEAK LIER. Last year’s my daughter want urgent to make operation in the stomach to eat from hear And the hospital tell me need to be 6 kg and maybe will make sure will be dead in the Operation and I make me alone is come one doctor BLANKI FROM UKI hope to write ok hem name in the hospital is normal doctor is not special doctor To make this operation the stomach ( to eat from the stomach ) I make operation 5. May .2011 me by my money the clinic and until now the government don't give any cent Money bag and my daughter is ok now tks so much from the GOD HELP US But now is need another operation because what is eat make out maybe 4 or 5 time the Day and is go the (lung I hope to understand what is this lung) and make Temperature and every Friday Saturday Sunday every week take antibiotic ZITROMAX to Protect my daughter 1. Page I WRITE NOW AND I CRAY TOO MUCH BECAUSE I AM ALONE ANY BODY don't CARE ABOUT US AND MORE SPECIAL MY DAUTHER STAVRIANA pls believe everything I write because is straid • The government is give free for the Turkish side from Cyprus give free electricity water and sure many thing and all this from our money from what give the Europe union money for many family what is cant work have children sick and many thing why all this why don't have anybody to control the government Cyprus eat the money the president when I call for closes appointment together president hem secretary is told me why I speak together president? The president is don't need to know all the problem what happen in Cyprus is have Minster down the president and me I answer I go I make make letter for my small daughter and anybody don't care and the christofia is the president and need to care what happen inside the country and I say why the electricity came to much because in LARNACA NEAR ZIGI when last years have EXPLOTION very big is the big wrong the president is now what have inside but again don't care how care for this country why are in Europe union to control the Cyprus to see where go the money to se all the problem ? • Me I say for all for the hospital for the Minster of health for the secretarial for the president I say I WILL FOUNT THE EUROPE UNION AND I WILL MAKE PROBLEM TO SEE WHAT HAPPEN IN CYPRUS IN THE GOVERMENT • The person from turkeys side come the hospital take I.D.Cypriot and the boss from the hospital is tell me to go my con try to see if can’t make ok my daughter? • The hospital don't have any hard is don't care for my daughter or another children what is very sick? • And for this sindrome don't know and don't care the doctor for the sindrome in the hospital makario for the children when I born my daughter anybody don't tell anything why cry why eat from the nose are in the hospital for 2 months and anybody don't care • And the doctor for sindrome is tell me if I want to know from this sindrome to go the Internet to fount all the historic from this sindrome and another is say because is cry to much the children to give to her syrup for relax to don't cry to sleep. • THIS IS HOSPITAL IS PERSON OR IS ONLY FOR THE MONEY TO TAKE THE SALARY EVERY MONTHS AND DONT CARE ANY THING ANOTHER ABOUT CHILDREN SICK • MY DAUTHER IS HAVE SINDROME CORNELIA DE LANGE • My home is have to much humidity and for my small daughter what have problem together(pneumonia) is don't help to make the home is have water in side when have rain come to much the home the electricity in the home is not ok have problem and I buy this home 35000 cyp pound before 11 years and I don't have any (paper) to se this is my home only 1 paper is bay my name only because my firs husband take all the home the Turkish from the Turkish side and any government don't help don't care to help buy this home to make ok . BUT THE TURKIS PERSON FRON THE TURKIS SIDE SURE HELP TO MUCH AND MY CHIDREN IS ORIGINAL CYPRUS NOT HELP BUT THE TURKIS PERSON HELP TO MUCH FOR MY IS COME TO CUT THE ELECTRICITI BECASES I DONT HAVE MONEY TO PAY 650 EU because my electricity not ok but for the Turkish person no cut is give free • Please I need your help to make something for the government please answer I forget to told you my daughter have simdrome CORNELIA DE LANGE and in Cyprus don’t know ? Have another 2 children but my daughter is have many problem Thanks for your time and i hope to help my small daughter diana stavriana thanks so much have good day Will take from Europe union eu to help the Cyprus but the government in Cyprus is don't care like my family I have 7 children and one dauther is have sindrome Cornelia de Lange is have many problem and me I cant work Pls do same thing the governmet is don't care is cut for me 950 eu now I don't have any money for my children sick to go doctor to make tratament for her the government is only for hem self to eat the money is ready eat our money 2 . Page Is not corect pls I need your help to do same thing any body don't care about my family The Europe union is need to care about the family what is have many problem to see what is make the government in Cyprus pls from all my hard I need your help pls don't forget my family I need you help . All the government from Cyprus is eat the money from our children please help I write to you and I cry to much I go the TV channel I speak 2 time different channel but any body don't care I go and I stay the floors in the parliament in Cyprus many together my daughter stavriana what is very sick but any body don care is don't like is don't see me is don't ask why you are the floor together the small children like is don't have hard I go the Ministry of Health I send many letter but nothing I call many time the president CHRISTOFKIA is don't want any body to speak together me Please I need to much help Send to me any information you have or call or any name Please I don't have FOOD IN THE HOME PLEASE BELLIVE . I sent several e-mail with complaints did not get any help. My baby has a gastrostomy and Law 40% refund of what I spend as milk and various other baby needs me to eat. I did surgery on my baby 5/5/2011 for gastrostomy at my own expense in ARETEEIO because the hospital did not approve to make out the surgery after my baby vasanietoun much and without putting any weight. The reason I did it was a clinic out why the Makarios Hospital told me that the baby was 3 pounds and could not afford the surgery and would die. Borousana not let my baby is suffering and I am informed that such inaction in ARETEEIO would come one famous doctor from England specializing only in gastrostomy. Luckily the baby survived surgery and requires return of the money I gave to save my baby. What I had to do that to see my baby suffer and do nothing because you told me that you died my baby. What would you be sat idly how to become a successful surgery and my baby can not delude longer nose. I spend every month about 500-600 euros without the 300 that I'm giving for the bags I need to feed it overnight and put weight. Not asking anything unreasonable but that law requires me to return SPEECH THERAPY Occupational therapy, fysotherapia, Together stavriana i have too much to expend money for masaj many play i go together .Her every day .The government don’t help me nothing not medicine when i go the hospital together her all .The doctor tell me my daughter will dead this simdrom don’t have in Cyprus only 2 but . Don’t have many problems like my daughter. .And the BOSS FROM THE HOSPITAL CHAGIDIMITRIOU TOLD ME TO GO ROMANIA TO HELP FOR THE .SINDROM any doctor in the hospital don’t care for the child sick like my daughter. .THE GOVERMENT EAT THE MONEY FROM THE EUROPE UNION AND DONT HELP THE CHILDREN WHAT .HAVE MANY PROBLEM DONT CARE PLS BELLIVE I AM NOT PERSON TO SPEAK LIER. .Last year’s my daughter want urgent to make operation in the stomach to eat from hear .And the hospital tell me need to be 6 kg and maybe will make sure will be dead in the .Operation and i make me alone is come one doctor BLANKI FROM UK; . i hope to write ok hem name in the hospital is normal doctor is not special doctor .to make this operation the stomach ( to eat from the stomach) 3 .page i make operation 5. .May .2011 me by my money the clinic and until now the government don't give any cent .Money bag and my daughter is ok now tks so much from the GOD HELP US . but now is need another operation because what is eat make out maybe 4 or 5 time the .day and is go the ( lung i hope to understand what is this lung ) and make . Temperature and every Friday Saturday Sunday every week take antibiotic ZITROMAX to .Protect my daughter .I WRITE NOW AND I CRAY TOO MUCH BECAUSE I AM ALONE ANY BODY don’t CARE ABOUT US AND .MORE SPECIAL MY DAUTHER STAVRIANA pls believe everything i write because is staid .And i found one women from the government is told me if don’t exist treatment from my .Daughter for this simdrome the government need to help my daughter to go another country .to make treatment pls i want to help us i will do the best for my daughter but i need .in your help to tell me what i need to do .my money all the time is not too much i need to pay and for the bank 1000 eu by .Months for stavriana too much money eat and night by same Massine and is every night .10eu by months is 300eu extra is dring special milk PEDIASURE COMPLETE IS 9 EU I NEED .10 EVERY MONTHS another THICK & EASY (INSTANT FOOD THICKENER ) is 20 eu i want 4 .in the months and another SHS SUPER SOLUBLE/INSTANT DUOCAL is 50eu i need 2 the. Months plus the antibiotic plus the mask plus the injection 60 ml what is eat plus .i hope to understand what i want to say .i hope to understand my English tks so much for all. i forget to told you my daughter have syndrome CORNELIA DE LANGE and in Cyprus don’t know ?Have another 2 children but my daughter is have many problem . Thanks for your time and i hope to help my small daughter diana stavriana thanks so much have good day. my daughter need operation to don't go the food inside the ( lung diseases ).and the hospital will put us the hospital germane only this will make for my daughter because is mace To much out all what is eat and don't put kg.And i know have in germany hospital for this sindrome CORNELIA DE LUNGE .i call to speak together president CHRISTOFKIA but is say hem secretary i can’t is very difficult to i have appointment together president ? i say why is person like us and is need to care about small children what have many problem .i send paper for minister of health for make appointment to speak together minister but anybody don't care .same women is told me what is work inside the minister to go the tv and after maybe will arrange to se us maybe .i want my daughter to have litter more better life to don’t make all the time out to put same have litter better life pls i will send to you same photo from my daughter but please please help my small daughter stavriana diana. i can’t work my husband is don’t found job anybody don’t take hem because is from Egypt and is 56 years but is wont to work is can work but anybody don't give any chance i take 3000 eu all my money my daughter need to much money all her medicine i buy i pay money the bank 1000eu every months i have 20000eu to pay . sorry i told you all my problem but anybody don't care my home have problem come inside water ,electricity have problem, i need car 7 chairs the bank don't give to me 1 cent because i don't work ?And my daughter how cares? 4 .page 1. welfare Office I speak together the boss from latsia from nicosia her name is Elena Papadopoulou and the women how have my file is Fanoula Kiriagidou I make meeting together the 2 person is her office in latsia Nicosia . 2. I call many time for the Lefkos Vasiliou is the big boss for the welface Office But don’t care any thing all the person from the government is don’t have any hard is only for hem interest . 3. and I go in the parlament in nicosia I speak together Mr.koutalianos . 4. I go the TV chanel SIGMA in Cyprus TV I explain what is my children problem . 5. I go another chanel MEGA in Cyprus TVi explain what problem I have and the governmet don’t care and what is make for me I stay the floor in the parlament in Nicosia Cyprus . 6. I go in for the Skevi Koukoumas from AKEL party . 7. I call many time for the Nikos Anastasiadou from DISY party but I don’t want to make for me appointment . 8. I send email and I call for Stella Kiriagidou from DISY party . 9. I send email and I call many time the president office I speak together Valentina is the health president consulting 10. I call again in the president office I speak together Axileas is the welface office president Consulting My address : kandas 2 pera chorio –nisou BOX : 2572 My mob : 00357 97772764 My ID Cypriot : 814195 My e mail : NICOSIA CYPRUS Signature Izabella Stefania Christou 5 .page 17/11/2011 EUROPEAN PARLAMENT Districts Nicosia I make letter in the districts in Nicosia for help to give same money for make the home because is have many problem ! 1. The Worms destroyed the wooden doors are change again all the door before 4 years and now again is have worms ,Butterflies and come out again and destroyed all doors ,And I fear not to take the gum and the home,which has wood 2 .Much moisture in Bedrooms 3 .The streams do not work well FALL constantly automation 4 . And I need another 1 room because my daughter her name is Stavri is cry many time and is get up the morning from 5 o clock ,because my home is very small is have 3 bed room 1 small salon , 1 small banio,1 small kitchen , and the bed room is very small. And he told me he can not approve the list ,When I bought the house I pay money 35.000 pounds Cyprus November 2000 ,and there they told me that the field is Turkish ,I discovered after one year of the woman. And this will not help nothing ,nor give me a little help and this application is for babies with serious health problems who need to have alone the room . And is say is give to me help 1 land what is Turkish LANd and I don't have any paper like this is my home nothing . This is the government Cyprus is make what is like . Please I need your help money I don't have the car is come every 2 months from the bank laiki the name to take the car is not care my daughter is need to go together her every day many plays ,or maybe happen any thing and I need to go together her the hospital ,and every months if I don't pay money is put me the court and is need the court and the advocate money and the my account for pay the car is more every time 500 eu I cant belive but I have many problem Is my last opportunity together EUROPEAN PARLAMENT for help my family because all the time I fill I am very stranger in this country because is don't care . Please help thanks so much Signature Izabella Stefania Christou 6 .page


  • mirabela pe 16 Sep 2012, 23:10
    cancer la san

    ajutama am cancer la san am 23 de ani cancer acum am 28 de ani am fost oprata 5 ori mia recidivat boala de 2 ori ajutatima 0757266727


  • carmen herscher pe 29 Aug 2012, 20:58
    ajutor pt sora mea bolnava si mama a 2 copii mici

    sora mea e bolnava psihic,are 2 copii de 2 ani jumate si 8 luni nu poate lucra si nu poate avea grija de ei.ajutatine sa-i bagam la gradinita si eventual sa i se recunoasca handicapul.e mult mai mult de vorbit si va rog sa ma contactati tel. 0784961808 va multumesc anticipat.


  • stela ivas pe 6 Iun 2012, 15:18

    buna ziua draga andreea marin sinteti super si as dori mult sa vorbesc cu dumneavoastra multumesc mult.


  • maya pe 4 Mai 2012, 19:24

    Emire, ai redactat si tu un text, i-ai dat COPY/PASTE si il afisezi pe unde apuci? Tare frustrat mai esti, oitza ratacita.


  • Emir pe 4 Mai 2012, 02:07
    Cocosata ipocrita

    Ea are 37 de ani pana cu doua zile ce implineste 38. O zdreanta mincinoasa si ipocrita care se catara pe necazurile oamenilor ca sa mai puncteze in razboiul demult pierdut cu Raduleasca.


  • MUNTEANU LOREDANA pe 3 Mai 2012, 23:02



  • diaconu elena pe 3 Mai 2012, 15:43



  • ena pe 3 Mai 2012, 14:28

    Sanatate si multa fericire alaturi de cei dragi


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