"Asi - Impotriva destinului" - un nou serial la Kanal D

4 Noiembrie 2008
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In octombrie, a fost lansat un nou serial in Romania, difuzat de Kanal D, o productie Turcia 2007, ce a inregistrat audiente record in tara de provenienta. Serialul poate fi urmarit in fiecare miercuri si joi de la ora 20:15 si duminica de la 21:30.

"Asi" este legenda dragostei cu personajele transpuse in societatea contemporana: un tata care nu vrea sa-si piarda pamantul, o tanara care este prinsa intre iubirea pe care i-o poarta tatalui sau si barbatului alaturi de care viseaza un viitor imposibil, un tanar care detine un secret ce va face ca dragostea dintre el si frumoasa fata sa fie una imposibila.

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Afiseaza:Cele mai recente|Cronologic

  • mariuca pe 20 Ian 2010, 20:16

    Astept si eu cu nerabdare aceea parte a filmului in care sa vad un Murat indragostit,pe care sa-l recunosc,sa-l stiu asa cum e el,sa recunosc eu ca e un mare actor care are trairile la el tot timpul indiferent de partenera,e motivul principal pentru care mi-am dorit atata acest film,vreau ca voi toate de altfel sa clarific enigma ASI.Daca va reusi si in Ask ce a reusit in ASI,mai ales ca aici Nurgul nu-l ajuta deloc,atunci ma plec in fata lui si pt mine va fi cel mai mare actor contemporan.Sper ca Nurgul sa nu schimbe foaia si sa devina provocatoare ....expunindu-si nurii.N-ar fi egala cu Tuba ,care tot timpul si i-a ascuns...Pupicei


  • Geta pe 20 Ian 2010, 20:09

    Asa este uitasem de nunta lui Aslan. Ochii lui Murat aveau flacari. Mai vreau sa barfesc un pic din " Ask.." Nu-mi place de loc cum il imbraca pe Murat!!! Frate, numai in ploverele ( sau pulovere?) acelea oribile? Parca ar fi facute de Burcin! Oribil! Pai cum era imbracat in Asi???? Avea niste costume si camasi faine.


  • mariuca pe 20 Ian 2010, 20:06
    Gabi,Silvia ,Alimar...

    Dragele mele ,va pup,scuze ca nu v-am scris numele in comment-ul anterior dar erati pe cealalta pagine si v-am zarit acuma,Draga mea ALIMAR ,te salut ,iti urez La multi ani,un an nou cu sanatate si bucurii,noi doua e greu sa ne intilnim,tu esti de noaptea ,eu sint de seara,dimineata nu pot intra sa te salut decit cu 2 exceptii,iar seara daca nu te vad...stii tu: ochii care nu se vad se uita...Tot binele din lume pt voi, va pup


  • mariuca pe 20 Ian 2010, 19:56
    Maria,iarta-ma ne treaba mea...

    Dar cum se face ca tu treci sa bucataresti tot cind iti lipseste legitimul.Nu cumva il ascunzi prin vreo debara pe Murat-bey si acuma vrei sa-i faci lui niste ardei umpluti,in ciuda Burcinei???


  • mariuca pe 20 Ian 2010, 19:51
    Buna seara Askiute@Adamel!!!

    Maria,pot sa-ti spun ca mi-esti mai draga cu acest "nu-i modru",ardelenismele tale ma ung la suflet,dar sa te si cert pt poteca ta necuratata,pai se poate?asa=l astepti tu pe Murat?Si sa nu ma anunti ca nu mai vine ,ma lasi suparata si trista,de se uita al meu la mine si nu stia ce nu-mi convine?( ca l-am solicitata si pe el la interviu,fiind si juristul Fundatiei,am in casa doi juristi...dar cred in ceea ce a zis batranul acela despre lege,in urma unui proces pierdut si a brumei lui de bani epuizata:" 'ca cine apeleaza la lege cu .... se alege"),da nu m-am dat de gol...Sa contezi si pe mine in" trupa de soc" anti-resursetata carcotasa.lo,Lizi ,merci ca mi-ati tinut pumnii si mi-ati vrut binele dar de data asta n-a fost sa fie...Luiza bine ca tu mai speri,o sa ne tii mobilizate prin asta,ca noi ne-am cam pierdut speranta , si vad ca si alte fete de pe alte forumuri...,Geta,hai totusi sa ne mai uitam la film,ne" stimparam"dorul de Demir si s-o mai barfim pe Nurgul,si Geta mai e o scena in ASI extra scenariu: cea in care la nunta lui Aslan ,Demir se uita atat de insistent la tatele lui ASI,iar ea stie si-i lasa privirea s-o mangaie parca intentionat,cred ca doreste sa-l incite putin,asa cred eu..., Gbv,merci de klipurile frumoase,Giulia la fel,Lizi si tie draga mea,nu sint exigenta draga mea decit atat cit trebuie sa mearga lucrurile bine...,Corina ma bucur sa te intalnesc,Ada,merci pt poze,dar Motzi unde esti ?si toate celelalte fete???Dar" baiatul"...Va tzuc....revin


  • theMaria19 pe 20 Ian 2010, 19:48
    Buna din nou EVELOR & DACIAN..... Luiza, Motzi, Geta, Gbv, Mariuca, Silvia....

    Hi, hi, Luiza acum am citit coment-ul tau , Nurghiuloaia vegeteaza, Muri este odihnit , amor deocamdata yok, mama ce-mi place satietatea lui Latafa si mai imi plac constatarile tale , mama ce "drame" si si iubiri in "bataia pustii" se arata ! Te rog Luiza sa ma scuzi ca nu am pomenit de cetirica ta dar eram pe "picior de plecare" si am citit-o abia acum . Super, "baba sefa de clan" hi,hi... Vai de "telefonul" lui Muri , v-a fi bine monitorizat !!!! Motzi cand ai dat de bai, cheama-l pe Manolea ca te pune presedinta peste YouTube si apoi sa tii "kakaya tehnika" Va pupacesc din mers si trec la bucatarie !!!!


  • Motzishor pe 20 Ian 2010, 19:22
    Bună seara Eve dragi, Adami superbi!

    Nu v-am uitat, am de lucru, vă pup dulce, sunt în urmă cu comentariile, voi recupera. Geta, o dăm pe Nurgul de-a dura, asta e, dar n-am găsit nici o metodă video să o înlocuiesc măcar cu noi, dacă cu Tuba nu se poate... ideea era Tuba :)) hi-hiii, mai învăţ, căcine ştie? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HhpwsJXRfU


  • Geta pe 20 Ian 2010, 19:22
    Luiza, Gbv si mie imi place clipul

    As vrea sa mai adaug ceva in legatura cu "Ask.." si anume linia melodica . In Asi sunt 22 de melodii plasate de Cevdet bey exact acolo unde trebuie. Te "ung" pe suflet. In Ask... este o singura melodie cu oarecare variatiuni si cand o ascult ma gandesc la " Valea Lupilor" , un serial oribil din pdv -ul meu. Am vazut cateva episoade la inceput si mi-a ajuns. Cand sunt intr-o stare mai aparte ( a se citi - tristete) ascult muzica din Asi. N-as putea face acelasi lucru cu muzica din Ask... Brrrr!


  • Lizica pe 20 Ian 2010, 18:29
    ptr voi



  • gbv pe 20 Ian 2010, 18:21

    ai perfecta dreptate!...Nurgul e departe, depaaaarte de Tuba!...iar povestea de iubire dintre T&M.. a fost!...si tind sa cred ca ..mai este!..asa cred..


  • luiza pe 20 Ian 2010, 18:11

    Da, interesant punctul tau de vedere! Cred ca asa va fi, ziea Florina ca-l vor flosi pe Kaan din 1001 de nopti..Murat este inegalabil in modul cum se poarta cu copii, sunt si eu convinsa ca vor specula acest lucru...Multumesc pt dedicatie, este unul din cele mai frumoase clipuri, si mie imi place mult, eu sunt un om corect, acesta este adevarul! Frumoase versurile cu care se incheie aceasta supeba melodie:,, Be my shelter When the angels dissapear" ( fii adapostul meu atunci cand ingerii dispar) Minunat!! Pupicei When the angels dissapear"


  • gbv pe 20 Ian 2010, 18:10
    cu toata dragostea mea , pt o persoana speciala: Maria ( Puiutz)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OgwDVaCiSw&feature=fvst xxx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cdn1npQXgQw xxx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INlzuz41w3c


  • Geta pe 20 Ian 2010, 18:08
    Erateee inculpati nu incultpati

    si mai sunt greseli. Scuze. Graba strica treaba


  • Geta pe 20 Ian 2010, 18:07
    Maria , multumesc este foarte frumos clipul

    Dragelor exista 3 scene din Asi care nu sunt de loc in scenariu si de care s-au speriat si cei 2 " incultpati". Va rog sa revedeti: ep.15 primul sarut ( dar nu din filmul de la Kanal D rom. ci acela de pe dizi. ) unde amandoi sunt "tembeliti" de cap. Nu se asteptau! Chiar daca s-au tras niste duble inainte , acesta a fost traznitor. Autorul moral : Murat. Scena din ep 50 , atentie ! aceea care urmeaza dupa deschiderea nasturilor camasii de noapte a Tubei si cand Murat incearca sa acopere cu umarul faptul ca ii da la o parte camasa ca sa vada ... ma rog. Tuba este mai mult decat mirata. Autor : Murat. Si scena de la spital cand Murat ii sopteste ceva Tubei urmat de un " tamam?" foarte clar. Autor : Murat. Daca n-am dreptate sa-mi spuneti. In ceea ce priveste "Ask..' nici nu vom vedea scene fierbinti pentru ca Nurgul nu e proasta : stie ca nu poate concura cu Tuba la sentimente. Nurgul este buna de " fata de bordura" in filme. Nu de virgina, ingenua , etc


  • gbv pe 20 Ian 2010, 18:03

    VAAAI Puiutz, mooor de ras!!!...ma dooor dintii de nu mai pooot!( ..ca azi am avut programare la dentist---in curand , cand voi zambi, o cadea Muri pe spate!)...ziceam ca ma dor dintii si eu rad cu gura pana la urechi! eu si... laptopul! Doamne Maria, cat umor poti sa aaaai! te tzuc ! de mii de ori!


  • gbv pe 20 Ian 2010, 17:52

    Ask ve ceza...nu e un film rau...cred ca ep.urmatoare vor fi mai..palpitante...si mai cred ca se va marsha f mult ( eu, cel putin asa as face!)..pe latura "paternala" a lui Dem...pardon, (era sa spun Demir...) a lui Savas!...si stim f bine ce magistral a interpretat Murat rolul de ..tata, in "ASI"!....vom vedea! -- cu multa admiratie si drag pt tine: un SUPER-CLIP xxx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR6fmU3W1BI&feature=related PS: ..mai ales ca "l-am descoperit" amandoua , aproape de lansare! pupici


  • theMaria19 pe 20 Ian 2010, 17:51
    Asi and Demir - in love again .... pentru toate EVELE & DACIAN



  • theMaria19 pe 20 Ian 2010, 17:42
    Buna EVELOR !!!!!

    Mariuca, Muri s-a inzapazit pe "poteca" mea ,o zis ca nu-i modru' sa ajunga la tine ! Dat fiind faptul ca am pus de o coalitie cu Io si Gbv impotriva "aleia" de la resurse si maine imi iau desuurile mov s-o pusc cu niste "energetice" si-l chem pe Manolea Aliodor " pusca" lu' ala mare sa-mi tina "pozitivele" aura in jurul meu, nu mai am nici o treaba, trec sa-i gasesc hibe lui Nurghiuloaia , sa-l laud pe Muri, nu ca n-ar avea !...sa - le dau respect la regizori si scenaristi, sa umblu in terfeloagele istoriei si sa nu-i fac de rusine pe Mircea , Mihai, Stefan ....si cei mari , viteji si batrani care daca traiau ma indrumau cu intelepciune cum sa scap de "ocupatia" otomana ! Si ca tot tacamul sa fie complet am pentru Geta un clip care stiu ca ii v-a face bine !Pupici la toata lumea! ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-_FCp0HGj0&feature=rec-rev-rn-1r-7-HM


  • gbv pe 20 Ian 2010, 17:36
    pt voi--- EVE... "ASKIUTZE"!!--un clip f frumos( pe o melodie irakiana) de la un tinar danez de 14 ani!i -bineinteles cu DRAGII NOSTRI DRAGI!!! A&D / T&M!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7Me6ZDzNPI&feature=related xx PS:::Geta...te pup si..apropo de Murat...si eu regret ca a ales o alta casa de productie..e alegerea lui sau nu...asta nu stim exact..regretul meu insa este ca ..nu va mai juca impreuna cu Tuba! ..pt ca e un actor f bun, dar are nevoie de o partenera pe masura!...iar Nurgul..nu e!


  • luiza pe 20 Ian 2010, 17:34
    Mariuca, Geta,

    Mariuca, Geta, ce sunteti voi suparate, dar sa vedeti pe hunili!! A fost simpatica Latafa, ca de obicei, a catalogat episodul plictisitor, ca e satula de droguri, traditii, cutume,etc! Si eu cred ca daca vor continua, regizorul cu scenaristii , sa-i lase pe cei doi protagonisti sa evolueze separat, isi vor pierde spectatorii! Toata lumea asteapta cu sufletul la gura sa-l vada pe Murat evoluand in alta relatie sentimentala ca sa poata face comparatii cu Asi! Poate si Tuba asteapta, cine stie?? Nimeni nu mai are rabdare, doar am asteptat cu totii atatea luni pana sa se hotarasca Murat ca e suficient de odihnit (dupa trauma trezirilor cu noaptea in cap inAntakya si a orelor lungi de filmare) si apt de munca!! In BBG, in Asi au folosit o reteta in care personajele principale interactionau ( in BBG ea lucra la firma lui; in Asi aveau de disputat tarlalele si gardurile) insa aici daca fiecare e cu businessul lui, devine serialul putin arid!! Ia sa fi fost pigmentat cu cateva certuri de-ale lor, cateva piruete si intoarceri pe calcaie, eventual sa mai fi primit Savas si vreo palma din vreo frustarre de-a Yaseminei ca ramasese fara replica, el sa stea sub fereastra ei, ea sa-i tranteasca usa in nas...asa nu se incinge deloc atmosfera! Baba sefa de clan, nu reuseste sa ne creeze cine stie ce fior, poate doar lui Cicek, vorba Latafei: Cicek se va opri din plas abia dupa ce moare baba!! Cicek cu plansul ei a devenit previzibila si noi tooot asteptam declansarea amorului nebun dintre Savas si Yasemin! Poate atunci se trezeste si Nurgul din vegetare, pt ca trebuie sa fiu sincera, tipa e absenta, parca e cu gandul la secventele ce vor veni!! Cred ca si ea e nerabdatoare, mai ceva ca noi!! Pana sa-l vedem pe Savas folosind tirul privirilor, pana cand il vom vedea infiorat de amor, mangaind-o cu patima pe Yasemin, cred ca va mai trece multa apa pe Dambovita. Cei de pe hunili vedeau situatia sumbru: Yasemin se casatoreste cu Bora si Savas renunta din cauza asta....si cine stie cum si in ce fel dupa 20 episode ( daca nu 20 de ani) vor reusi sa se cupleze: poate moare Bora, moare Cicek, moare Nadya...daca n-or mai apare si altii care vor fi avea o soarta cruda.....in sfarsit, trebuie sa avem rabdare si sa ne punem pofta in cui, dupa cum spun cei de pe hunili. Eu sunt mai optimista si zic ca in ep urmator cei doi se vor intalni, pt ca isi dau si scenaristii seama ca nu mai merge altfel, isi pierd publicul, insa probabil Savas va intalni o Yasemin impenetrabila ( o data nu se pune!!), cu ura pe toata rasa barbateasca, mai ales pe el care o lasase grea....si tapul ispasitor al tuturor nenorocirilor Yaseminei, va fi Savas, care pe langa clan se va lupta si cu Yasemin! Si uite asa vom ajunge in vara!( glumeam) O seara frumoasa va doresc!!


  • Geta pe 20 Ian 2010, 17:25
    Silvia , multumesc pentru poze

    Am si eu vreo 800 de poze la Paris si pe Valea Loarei , vreo 500 in Grecia , etc Cand o sa am timp le procesez ( cu Picassa) si o sa postez cateva din ele. Cele mai frumoase. Va sarut si maine dimineata va ofer o cafea la nisip.


  • Geta pe 20 Ian 2010, 17:21
    Gbv tiza mea.

    Eram sigura ca -mi postezi clipul acesta. Este superb, sunt topita dupa el. Mi se intampla cu Asi exact ce mi se intampla cu piesele de teatru ale lui Caragiale. Stiu absolut toate replicile pe de rost. Si nu ma satur sa revad piesele lui de teatru. Nu ma plictisesc niciodata. Si cu ASI la fel. In plus , de fiecare data constat ca nu m-am inselat . Ba din contra sentimentul acesta este si mai puternic. Pacat ca Murat a renuntat la Tomiris ca si producatoare. Am vazut ca Cevdet Mercan este posibil sa fie regizorul serialului Tubei. Super! Voi privi serialul acesta cu maxima atentie. Abia astept. In ce priveste “Ask…” imi pare rau dar nu vreau sa mai pierd timpul cu el. Daca va fi la fel s-ar putea sa nu aiba o audienta prea mare. Pacat de Murat si Tomris. Ei se straduiesc , dar cu o floare nu se face primavera. Iar regizorul este de nota 1 din 10.


  • Silvia25 pe 20 Ian 2010, 17:19

    Am uitat sa-ti spun.Am vazut si eu acel anunt (detectiv de nota 10)Prezenta ta de spirit a fost cu un pas inaintea mea.PS.Daca vrei si te poti uita la poze sunt si din ITALIA de la loc.lor si din un mare parc Mirabilandia de .15 ha.


  • gbv pe 20 Ian 2010, 17:11

    va salut pe toate ---cele prezente: Giulia, Puiutz (da-o-ncolo de "fudula"--sa nu-i zic "altfel"!!! ma aliez cu lo si , probabil si cu celelalte EVE si... K.O. o facem!!! ..hi,hiii doamne, ce -am mai ras de "scaunele" tale! hi,hii).. Gabi, Corina ( multumesc! te tzuc dulce), Lizica, Luiza, Ada, Mariuca, Silvia, Dina ( felicitari fetei tale si mult noroc in viata!)----Motzi ?? Askiuto! pe unde eeesti???--- si le salut si pe cele absente care, probabil, nu pot sa intre pe forum , din diferite motive!... Geta, tiza mea, ma bucur ca te "vad"!!!!!...ne-a lipsit enorm " gazda si..cafeluta ( la nisip!)", din fiecare dimineata!.. toate cafelele sunt " gustoase" ( sa nu se supere nimeni pe mine!..), dar cafeaua ta..la nisip, E SPECIALA!!! pt tine , cu tot dragul...xxx http://video.yahoo.com/watch/6324173/16406956?v=6324173


  • Silvia25 pe 20 Ian 2010, 16:57
    GETA-Bine ai venit

    Daca vrei sa mai revezi Parisul.Poze cu nepotul si fata mea revel.2oo9 pe:My Computer--Admin apostrof s Documents File folder ING-08o7JPG la... de laP11oo132JPG la.......P1oo132JPG_____ de fapt toate.


  • Geta pe 20 Ian 2010, 16:34
    Nu pot sa spun bye . Mariuca

    Aferim , ai dreptate 1000%. Serialul este foarte slab. Incearca Murat ,Tomris , Bora sa faca ceva dar din piatra seaca nu poti sa scoti apa. Este total lipsit de interes iar Nurgul duce serialul la groapa de gunoi. Este numai parerea mea si nu va cer sa fitzi de acord cu mine. Nu numai ca nu simt nevoia sa-l mai vad , dar este inutil. Nu spune absolut nimic. Parca ar fi " Valea lupilor".


  • Silvia25 pe 20 Ian 2010, 16:28

    CEA MAI DEZORDONATA HOTARIRE DATA DE CINEVA.(nu cu iz de rautate din partea mea)mai fac si altii dezacorduri la TV.


  • mariuca pe 20 Ian 2010, 15:49

    Sint suparata,Murat nu s-a prezentat,nu m-a anuntat...tacere totala si cei care s-au prezentat nu ma multumesc deloc...asteapta raspuns in trei zile dar eu tot sper ca pina atunci sa apara EL.Fetelor revenind la lucruri serioase episodul de aseara a fost pt mine cel mai lipsit de interes,Murat joaca bine,dar pe mine nu ma intereseazasa vad fermitatea lui fata de cei din familie si nici nervii lui fata de partenerii de afaceri,ci eu vreau un Savas indragosti.Am rabdare ,mai astept,sint curioasa dupa ce se va intilni cu Yasemin ce va iesi...ea este total fada in opinia mea,nu cred ca asa e de obicei sint sigura ca e o actrita f buna asa cum am citit despre ea ,dar atunci ce-i cu ea in acest rol? De ce plictisul asta si lipsa de interes pt a da din ea mai mult,pt a fi mai convingatoare...ce nu=i place ca ceva bai are...zic eu.Va pup,mai lucrez ceva dar revin...


  • giulia09 pe 20 Ian 2010, 15:47
    Tarkan un cântăreţ sexy



  • theMaria19 pe 20 Ian 2010, 15:31
    Country Photos & Music Jan 19 2010.mpg



  • giulia09 pe 20 Ian 2010, 15:27
    Cu subtitrare..



  • Silvia25 pe 20 Ian 2010, 15:21
    Buna CORINA,buna MARIA

    Sunt pe baricade.Dar com.mele se post.cind cum.Oricum nu este de la calc .Cred ca de la reteaua prea incarcata a site-ului.Nu stiu daca am zis corect.Nu sunt doctorand in calc.Ma pricep asa mai putin.


  • giulia09 pe 20 Ian 2010, 15:18



  • giulia09 pe 20 Ian 2010, 15:11
    YÜREĞİNE SOR - Fragman (Tuba Büyüküstün's Movie)



  • Corina68 pe 20 Ian 2010, 14:45
    Bună ziua Floricele!

    Maria sunt "pe aici" ... Adică n-am fost, dar am venit! Io, Silvia, Luiza (multumim mult pentru postare!), Maria, Giulia (frumoase amintiri, multumim!), Măriuca, Lizica, Gabi, Dina (Felicitări fetei pentru rezultate şi baftă în continuare!), Gbv (Tu esti Floricica vietii mele! - ca sa parafrazez clipul postat de tine!), Ada (mulţumim pentru informaţii!) .... N-am văzut nimic aseară...poate reuşesc să văd ceva azi! Savaş se pare nu prea vă lasă să faceţi "nani"! Maria, ai grijă cu legitimu' ... că şi al meu a devenit suspicios de când cu Demir ... şi doar i-am zis că mie mi-a plăcut Asi ! ... Pupicei fetele... şi să vă fie bine! Bonus: "Ninge sfînt şi păgîn/ Numai ochii ne rămîn/ Despărţirea s-o mai vadă/ Că, în rest, noi ne-am stins/ Şi-am ajuns de-atîta nins/ Nişte oameni de zăpadă.// Ninge fără milă, ninge şi ne doare,/ ninge cu fărîme albe de pian,/ ninge cu tristeţe şi cu felinare/ ninge ca la moartea încă unui an.// Cîţi au fost de gardă –voie cer să doarmă/ cîţi au fost cu somnul rătăcesc pe străzi,/ ne aflăm în lume ca în ţevi de armă/ cînd sugrumă lupii fragedele prăzi.// Ninge fără milă, cu vinovăţie,/ ca o inculpare, ca un martor mut,/ ninge cu o nuntă, ninge şi sfîşie,/ se fărîmiţează ultimul salut/ vai de noi, femeie, ninge-a despărţire,/ vom pleca departe, unde-avem de mers,/ ninge să despartă gheaţă şi iubire,/ oarbe felinare cad din univers.// Ninge ca pe piatră peste carnea noastră,/ ninge ca pe munte, ninge ca pe mort,/ ninge incurabil, molimă albastră,/ ninge pe vaporul scufundat în port.// Ninge peste buze, ninge peste pleoape,/ ninge peste îngeri, ninge peste văi,/ ninge peste clopot, ninge peste ape,/ ninge incredibil peste ochii tăi.// Ninge în neştire, otova, aiurea,/ ninge ca-n porecle, ninge ca-n blestem/ ninge ca un trăsnet, ninge ca pădurea,/ ninge să se stingă vocea cînd te chem.// Ninge ca-n Esenin şi-n poema rusă,/ ninge fantomatic şi bacovian,/ ninge că sînt rece, ninge că eşti dusă,/ ninge ca la moartea ultimului an." (Adrian Păunescu) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCIlka5MsrE


  • Io pe 20 Ian 2010, 14:09

    Te sustin eu, las-o pe mana mea pe "resursareasa", ca o "potolesc" eu! Spune-i numai atat:A zis Io, "ciocu mic" atat, ca stie ea..... Dina, bravo fetei tale! Aaaa, ia te uita si Gabita! Giulia, draguta ca totdeauna, merci pentru amintiri! Va pup pe toate.....


  • ADA pe 20 Ian 2010, 14:06



  • giulia09 pe 20 Ian 2010, 14:01



  • gbv pe 20 Ian 2010, 13:51

    offf. am pierdut un comment.!...buna ziua tuturor!..desi e ..la amiaza, ( si..."afara nu ploua, ci ninge! " ).. va ofer si eu o cafea virtuala "muzicala"!!! mii de multumiri "harnicutelor" noastre: Puiutz, Motzi&Comp, Alinabv, Luiza, Giulia...sunteti minunate! TOATE! va pup..si va iubesc! xxx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxczK6hQ1BM&feature=related


  • Dina56 pe 20 Ian 2010, 13:49

    Multumesc Maria ptr urarile fetei mele. A luat examenul cu 8 a fost f greu si oral si ea si prietena ei l-a luat si sant fericita. le astept sa vina acum acasa te pup


  • theMaria19 pe 20 Ian 2010, 13:26
    Va supun atentiei o poza de familie ......



  • theMaria19 pe 20 Ian 2010, 13:15

    "Aşk ve Ceza 3.Bölüm 9.Kısım 19 Ocak 2010 " vin si eu cu restanta de aseara !!!! Multumim Luiza pentru postarile de pe hunili !!! Dina56 succes fetei tale examen si in viata !!!! Mariuca, Io, Lizica Silvia,Giulia, Coooooorina (unde esti ????), Gabi (yoooi ce - mi place cand vorbesti "subtire" ,esti super !) Ma tigaresc si eu putin ca mi-o fi de atatea ore de ascultat baliverne !Ssssssst, sa nu auda o fudula de la "resurse umane" , care zicea fara sa stie ca-i suflu' in ceafa : " S-o vad acum pe lungana (adicatelea eu) ca nu mai are "spate" , se referea la legitimu' care este "nitel" plecat la munca lui , s-o vad cat mai rezista "scaunul" ei si cine o mai sustine " ! I-am raspuns si eu "subtire" : Ce te face sa crezi ca-s constipata (scuzati) si nu mi-am proptit bine "scaunul" ???A taiat-o rapid, rosie de ziceai ca a dat toata dimineata la zapada !!!! Acum ....fumez, rapoartele le-am "printat" , anchetele despre starea natiunii sunt in curs, culegatorii pe teren, si eu .... la o cetirica si-o tigara , sa moara lumea de necaz ! Pupici la toata lumea !


  • giulia09 pe 20 Ian 2010, 12:55
    alte amintiri..



  • luiza pe 20 Ian 2010, 11:20
    part.5 (pana aici au putut fetele pe hunili sa faca traducerea azi noapte)

    Nazan: Are you going downstairs?// Cicek: Yes.// Nazan: Ok, then let me go back to my room.// Cicek: Nazan Abla, abla, why are you doing like this? Abla? Abla, please, don’t this! //-- Mom: Is it a girl? I hope it’s a girl. Are you scared?// Yas: Very much!// Mom: Why?// Yas: I don’t feel it, mom. There is a living thing in me, and I don’t feel it.// Mom: You will, it’s too early. Look, it’s like a dot! ( come on, it’s 12 weeks already!)// Yas: It’s a bastard, mom. This dot-like thing I carry in my belly is a bastard. // Mom: Sushhh! What kind of talk is that?// Yas: Isn’t it a bastard? I don’t even know the name of the father.// Mom: Dear!// Yas: Why did you come all the way from Bodrum? Why did you get me off that table? If you hadn’t come, I would have gotten rid of this thing already.// Mom: Yasemin, daughter, it’s your baby.// Yas: I don’t want it! I don’t want this baby! I don’t! I don’t! Mom, I can’t do this.// Mom: You will, my dear. Don’t worry, everything will be OK.// Yas: How will you explain this to people? I mean, I’ll keep this from everyone. How will you explain?// Mom: I don’t have to explain anything to anyone. What’s important for me is you. My dear, look, when you hold your baby in your arms, you will see that it’s the best thing in the world. Then you will say that it’s good that you give birth to that, it’s good that mom prevented me from getting an abortion. // Yas: Really?// Mom: Of course. Let’s think about the name. What will you name it if it’s a girl?// Yas: Fulya.// Mom: Fulya, of course Fulya. May your sister rest in peace.// -- Bar scene -- Yas: It’s noon, I slept too much. // Mom: Have a seat.// Yas: Ooohh, you made tomato with eggs? // Mom: It’s too hot, be careful. You sit.// Yas: Offf, even on Sundays! Good morning, Mr Bora. // Bora: Good morning. Are you at home? // Yas: Yes, something’s up?// Bora: Get rady, I’ll pick you up in half an hour. //-- Savas: Are you not ready yet? Baran! Come to uncle! What are you doing? Sister, let’s not stay inside today. // Nazan: We are not going anywhere. You go wherever you want. Come Baran.// Savas: Sister! // Cicek: Let me stay, Savas.// Savas: Don’t talk nonsense. We are going altogether.// Nazan: Baran, go upstairs!// Baran: I want to go with my uncle.// Nazan: I told you to come.// Savas: Sister, enough already. Don’t upset us anymore.// Nazan: I am not the one doing it, and I am not going anywhere,// Savas: OK, whatever you want. Just sit at home all day long. Come on Cicek!// Endam: Nazan abla, please don’t do this. What fault does the poor girl have?// Nazan: What fault? Don’t you see how much she looks like her brother? // Endam: Is that it? //NAzan: Isn’t it enough? Whenever I see this girl, I remember Muzaffer. If that girl’s brother hadn’t shot him, Muzaffer would be alive, and my son wouldn’t be left without a father. // Suna: What does she say?// Endam: She is right, too. The other is right, too. // Baran: Where are we going, uncle?// Savas: We’ll see. Let’s go out first.// Cicek: Dad?// Ahmet: Go inside.// Cicek: Baran, come on, dear.// Ahmet: Who the hell do you think you are? Are you bringing a new tradition to the old town? How dare you return my stuff back? // Savas: What?// Ahmet: So over with the poison business (drug), huh? None of your business! Are we poisoning you? These things are not like lazying around in the States. // Savas: What are you talking about Ahmet Aga.// Ahmet The goods are on the way, again. They will be in your storage by morning. If they won’t pass the border by Sunday at the latest, I’ll drain all your blood, Savas. Starting from your youngest, I’ll erase all of you from earth. That’s it!// -- Bora: You are beautiful, as always. // Yas: Thank you. Where are we going on Sunday?// Bora: I am so hungry, come on, get in!// -- Uncle: You didn’t let us explain from the beginning. You stormed on us and that’s it. You were little when we started transporting goods. // Savas: So we are feeding on the money we gain from poison since my childhood?// Uncle: What did you think? How do you think we become such a powerful tribe? By spreading the herd on the meadows. Wake up already, Savas. The bigger part of the money comes from the drugs. // Savas: What ‘s Cicek’s father to do with this? //Uncle: They are the chemical part, we are the transport. //Savas: To whom does the drugs go?// Uncle: There are clients. Russians, Bulgarians, Italians.// Savas: Oh boy, Celep Ahmet Moran sends us the drugs in his animal trucks, and we are carrying them to abroad in our trucks. Is that so? Wasn’t there a blood feud with Morans?// Uncle: Yes, there was. Why did your brother marry Cicek? In order to stop the feud, so we could work together again. Both tribes got weak by the feud. Others are waiting to get hold of the market. Thanks God elders got involved, and it’s over. // Savas: So the traditions are all story! //


  • luiza pe 20 Ian 2010, 11:13

    Dr: Tell him that the doctor will tell the gender of the baby, then he will come by running. Hope you feel better, Ma’am.// Mom: Thanks!// Yas: Why didn’t you tell him?// Mom: Tell what?// Yas: That it doesn’t have a father. You feel ashamed, don’t you? You told me not to get an abortion, you got me off the table, but now you are ashamed to tell that your daughter will have a baby without a father. // Mom: No, Yasemin, no. My dear, what shame?// Yas: Yes, you ashamed, mom. That’s why you didn’t say anything. // Mom: No, dear, if I would feel ashamed..// Yas: But I am ashamed! Very much!// Dr: The baby doesn’t have a father? But it has a mother of a world beauty. And a wonderful grandmom. What else is there? You are carrying a life within you, dear. No matter what has happened to you, you will be a mom, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Take it, this is the first photo of your baby. --- // Bora: This is Italian flag, Alpay, Italian flag. You might have as well put the picture of Mussolini!// Alpay: Isn’t it an Italian bank?// Bora: But here is Turkey! You should never make the clients feel that it’s foreign capital. Some want it, some don’t. Am I going to teach you advertising all over again?// Alpay: I didn’t make this up by myself. Yasemin wanted to have an Italian emphasis. // Bora: Yasemin would never want something like this.// Alpay: But she did. I don’t understand why we are having this meeting without her. The time if very short for the presentation, but our client rep is not around. // Sevgi: Don’t look at me, I am not Yasemin’s mother.// Bora: Did you not call her?// Sevgi: Of course, I did, but she didn’t answer.// Bora: Forget about the flag emphasis, and when Yasemin comes, tell her to see me. --// Savas: It’s not gonna be with this old ways, uncle, I’ll tell you how we should do it.// Uncle: Don’t tell me anything about accounting, I won’t understand it.// Savas: Ok! Accounting is my thing. You just keep an eye on the workers, that’s enough.// Uncle: Don’t worry about that. I must be off now, I have thing to do in Celepler.// Savas: Take it easy! //Savas: Nadya? What are you doing here?// Nadya: I thought my Savas must have craved for Mortadella, then I jumped on the plane and came. // Savas: With four luggage?// Nadya: Don’t even say a word. I came back, and I don’t accept any objection! Could you please have these carries somewhere inside. When I find a hotel, I’ll send them there.// Savas: You are really crazy!// Nadya: Did you think that I could leave you? -- //Bora: We are having a meeting for our most important client, but you are not around. Tell me why?// Yas: Just fire me, Mr Bora, fire me, and get it over with.// Bora: Tell me something, make up a lie. Tell that you overslept or your car broke down.// Yas: If you are gonna be happy, then let’s say I overslept. You already know that I don’t have a car.// Bora: How stubborn you are!// Yas: I am, and I can’t change that.// Bora: Don’t! Did you see the posters Alpay made?// Yas: Idiot! He got it all wrong!// Bora: But you told him to have Italian emphasis.// Yas: I said Italian sympathy, not emphasis! Something like Italian pizza, Rome icecram or spaghetti.// Bora: Did you not tell these to Alpay?// Yas: Do I have to? What would you think when I say sympathy for Italian?// Azra: I don’t understand it at all, I’ll go crazy. Yasemin is shouting out like “fire me”, and Mr Bora just laughs at her.// Derya: They are in a relationship for sure. // Azra: Don’t make me laugh, for God’s sake. The man is hanging around with top models, what’s he gonna do with Yasemin?// Derya: To tell you the truth, Yasemin is no less than those top models (yeah, right )// Azra: Don’t be stupid, Derya. I am gonna crush her in the meeting, and she will see it.// Bora: Sitare, gather the creators together in half an hour, and all the client reps. // Sitare: Right away, sir!// Bora: Tell all these in the meeting.// Yas: Ok.// Derya: Yasemin, are you OK, dear?// Azra: We got worried about you when you didn’t show up in the meeting. Are you sick or something?// Yas: No, I am Ok. Thank you.// Sevgi: Yasemin, come here for a bit.// Girl: Let’s look at this now. Ok, you continue.// Sevgi: Where the hell have you been? What the hell are you doing? I am exhausted to find excuses for you, don’t you see it?// Yas: I do. I am sorry.// Sevgi: You weren’t like this, Yasemin. What happened to you?// Yas: Sevgi, please, I am not in the mood!// Sevgi: Enough with your mood already! You are neglecting all the work here. You are so messed up since you broke up with Mehmet. If you are still mourning for that man..// Yas: It’s nothing to do with Mehmet. I closed that book already.// Sevgi: Good, well done. But why are you still like this, then? Have you fallen in love with someone else?// Yas: Love? What’s that? Look, love is something like our job. I mean, it’s all lies and ticks. See you in the meeting. --// Savas: Illegal stuff, not a joke! You don’t understand how series the situation is!// Nadya: In fact, you don’t understand. Do I have to make you remember it? Do I have to make you remember this? You are in trouble. I won’t leave, even if you fire me. I am here till the end. --// Uncle: Ahmet Aga, hello.// Ahmet: Hello, but what the hell is going on, Pala?// Uncle: There were some unexpected things, I’ll tell you later.// Ahmet: Are you messing with me or what? // Uncle: Easy!// Ahmet: How dare you send me back my stuff? I can destroy everything, Pala, I swear by God, I’ll ruin you! --// Savas: You can stay with us until you find an apartment. It’s a pleasure!// Nadya: Thank you, Savas. But I’ll feel more comfortable at a hotel.// Savas: OK. Where shall we look for the apartments? Do you want a specific place?// Nadya: Doesn’t matter . As long as it’s close to the firm.// Savas: Ok. I’ll inform our men. Come here, uncle. Let me introduce you to Nadya. Nadya Altin. My uncle Abdulkadir Pala. But everyone calls him Pala.// Nadya: Nice to meet you, Mr Abdulkadir.// Uncle: Simple Pala, no Mr. Nice to meet you, too.// Savas: Nadya is a friend of my from college. We studied together in the States. // Uncle: Good. Visiting or business?// Savas: Business, uncle. Nadya is our new manager. // Uncle: Manager?// Savas: Yes, we’ll make Baldar products the best together. Right? --// Bora: Did you forget the ABC of this job already, friends? We’ll direct the clients, not they us. // Azra: Mr Bora, Bank Veneta is not my client, but I have an idea. What if we use things we think about when we say Italy. Things that remind us of Italy. Pizza, for instance. It would be very nice, I think. Let’s say we have some people eating pizza in the poster or happy people eating spaghetti..// Alpay: Super idea!// Derya: Excellent! Azra, congrats!// Azra: Hope you don’t mind, it’s your client actually. // Yas: Why would I? What does Mr Bora say all the time? There is only one owner of the ideas here, it’s the agency.// -- Man: We placed 4 cameras in the front yard. They are all latest model. They have sensors. They zoom even in the slightest move. The images will be transferred to your computer whenever you want. You will be able to follow everything closely//. Savas: Good!// Uncle: What are these for? For the inside or outside?// Savas: Uncle, I don’t want to see anything at fault here ever again. // Uncle: You are the Aga, son. Whatever you say.// Savas: Come here. By the way you must have got it already. // Nadya is very precious for me. If something happens to her, I’ll screw the tribe and destroy everyone. // Uncle: Why are you telling me all these?// Savas: So that you tell the people you have to. She saw everything. She did, but forgot them. Did you get it? //


  • luiza pe 20 Ian 2010, 11:03

    Pala : Sister, Are you crazy Şahnur: Şşş, come, come sit down. Savaş is my son, Pala.He is the oldest man in Baldars.If he goes away, everybody says Baldars couldn't own their son. Then we lose our face.// Pala : Ok, but what will happen If these works don't go on.// Şahnur: Works will go on. Savaş will be forced to do this. Is there any other way? How will these works go on? He will see there isn't another way. Wait and see ************* Alpay : How is it? // Ayça : Why do you ask me, ask it to customer representative // Girl : If she comes here, he will ask her. But she isn't.// Girl2 : You gets early Bora Bey, // Bora : Come on, we will start immediately. I have no time. Sare, where is my coffee?// Sare : I came, ıt's here.// Bora : Thanks. Take my suits from dry cleaning and Check the meetings // Sare : Ok, sir// Alpay : Can you glance at these?// Bora : Where is Sevgi?// Ayça : She went to look for Yasemin.// Sevgi : Come on, come on Yasemin, answer this *************** Doctor : A twelve months pregnant, Yasemin Üstün, is she?// Mom : Hi doctor// Dostor : Hi, are you her mother or mother-in-law ?// Mom : I'm her mother.// Doctor : Nice Beautiful girl, Why don't you smile. If she was your mother-in law, I would understand. Your husband isn't here. Are you bored because of this. Ohhh these husbands. They don't like difficulties. But you did this (about wifes). You spoiled them so much (about husbands) ************** Savaş : Sister, do you give cheese to Çiçek.// Nazan : I'm not her servant// Savaş : No Sister, do you give cheese// Nazan : she will want// Savaş : Çiçek, sit down Sister, I said you to give cheese// Nazan : I said, she will want Are you her lawyer //Şahnur: Nazan, give this plate// Nazan : Take it//


  • luiza pe 20 Ian 2010, 10:58

    Mehmet: Who did you sleep with?// Yaso: I don’t even know his name. // Mehmet: I cannot believe you did this?// Yaso: so do you still ask for forgiveness? Can we continue just as before. Can you forget all this?// Mehmet: how could you do this?// Yaso: so did you? İf LOVE is to be EQUAL we are both equals now. One mistake for you, one mistake for me. But LOVE is not being EQUAL is it? When you sleep with someone it is just 1 mistake, when I sleep with someone it is 1000 mistakes. I do not want to ever see you again. // Mehmet: Yasemin. Give me time to accept this. Maybe I can forget this happened. // Yaso: Oh but I cannot forget. Go go away . I never want to see you again. // Mom: yasemin? My girl.. don’t worry. // ** Savaş: I will send you stuff tomorrow.// Nadya: I only have one bag at the hotel. // Savaş: I will call you. Don’t call me. // Nadya: so what will you do knoe?// Savaş: I will go and talk to my family//. Nadya: savaş, please take care of yourself. I will be worried about you. // Savaş: don’t worry.// ** Mom: yasemin drink some milk. You need extra calcium. // Yaso: mom do you believe in love. // Mom: Ofcourse I do. One cannot live if they do not believe in love.// Yaso: Yeah but I am living even though I do not believe in love. // Mom: I know it hurts. But it will pass. // Yaso: love is just a game.women write it and men play the scenario. // Mom: when you find real love you will believe in it.// Yaso: I will never believe a man ever again. // Mom: not all men are like Mehmet you know. Remember how your father was. We loved each other so much. // Yaso. Love must have died together with my dad. You were very lucky. // ** Uncle: Oh.. brother. I told him so many times. He should have told his son he was into the drug business. Now he will come here and throw a tantrum.// Mother: Pull yourself together. You are older than savaş. Talk some sense into him.// Uncle: but How can we explain about smuggling drugs?// Mother: we do not need to explain everything. We will just answer his questions if necessary. // ** Savaş comes home..// Savaş: Ohhh I see that the CARLEONE family have been informed already. // Did Ismail call you?// Uncle: savaş I have stuff to tell you.// Savaş: NO. I have questions first. Since when are we doing drug smuggling. // Uncle: I wish you hadn’t learned like this. If your father had lived long enough to tell you,… // Savaş: Oh stop telling me stories. Just answer my question. How can we be doing drug smuggling? How many people have we killed until now? Are we all killers? Huh?// Uncle: slow down. I am your uncle. Show some respect.// Savaş: Are we killers? Where is our honor? Our pride? // Uncle: speak properly? // Savaş: Just answer my question. Are we killers?// Uncle: stop shouting. // (savaş’s little brother wants to go to the room and is stopped by his sister.)// Uncle: thanks to god we are proud of ourselves.// Savaş: drug dealersa re killers. Killers do not have pride. The Baldar family sells drugs so we do not have any pride either. We are all killers. // Mother: Enough. Do you know what you are talking about? When you were studying in America did you ever question yourself on where you were receiving your Money from? Now that you are the leader are you questioning us?// Uncle: are we happy to be doing such a dangerous job? If we say its over who is going to feed the 10.000 people in our hometown?// Savaş: they can earn with an honest job. We cannot feed people with the lives of young children… If I am the leader then this drug business has to stop. If you say no, then I will pack my stuff an go away immediately.// Uncle: get lost then. Go! You do not know shit. All you know is spending your dads Money all these years. // Savaş: ok. I won’t spend it from now on. I will carry Stones to earn Money but I will not be the killer of innocent people. You can just stuff your family and your house. Don’t ever call me again.// Uncle: I will not call you if I died.// Mother: You cannot go anywhere. You are the leader. Ok. Ok. Do as you wish. // Uncle: sister the goods are on their way. They cannot be sent back. // Savaş: no. The goods are stil at the warehouse. Eşref is waiting in the warehouse. Call him and tell them to load the stuff and send it back to the owner of the drugs.// Uncle: Savaş!// Mother: pala.. just call//. Uncle: load the stuff back. Just load it back. Is this what you wanted?// Savaş: yes. From now on the Baldar family is not doing drug smuggling//


  • luiza pe 20 Ian 2010, 10:51
    ep.3, part.1

    Savaş: Come on. // Nadya: what’s going on. Where are we going?// Savaş: Just get in the car.. (on the phone) Eşref where are you?// ** Çiçek: No thank you. … ok. Thank you.. (she takes the tea)// ** Mehmet: Isn’t she going tıo speak to me?// Yaso’s mom: Yasemin? Look my dear. Why don’t you speak with him.// Yaso: Mom just leave me alone. Go away. // ** Nadya: where are we going?// Savaş: to the airport. You are going back to Italy. // Nadya: don’t be absurd. You cannot decide for me to travel. // Savaş: Lets not argue. // Nadya: Savaş my dear. You are not being logical. // Savaş: are you aware of what you just witnessed? My people were loading off heroin from the truck. // That was not caster sugar. // Nadya: I know. Don’t shout. // Savaş: Heroin. I cannot believe it. Drugs. I am gonna go crazy. This is just poison. I might have endangered you. So you must go back immediately. This is the best thing to do. I am sorry I called you here. I did not know. // Nadya: I am sure you did not know. Look at you you are shaking. // Savaş: Ahhh! I knew there was something illegal going on but!// Nadya: so what did you think was going on? All that Money?// Savaş: I don’t know I thought they might be smuggling electronical goods, livestock. I don’t know something that was not this dangerous. But drugs. I would not have believed it even if I died. Are my family members all killers?// Nadya: ok. Please try to relax. // Man: he just left and took the woman with her// Uncle: what? What woman? What are you talking about. // Man: she was young, beautiful. // Uncle: have we seen her before?// Man. No I did not recognize her. Come on hurry up// Mother: where are you going?// Uncle: to the warehouse. Savaş came with a girl. He saw the drugs. I have to take care of him. // Mother: what the hell are you talking about. // Uncle: I mean I have to make sure that the goods get sent out.// Mother: He is my son. He will never g o to the cops. He will make sure the lady with him doesn’t talk either. // Uncle: so? Do I just sit around here?// Mother: yes// Uncle: so what will he do now?// Mother: he will come here and scream at us. He will be angry. ** Mehmet: Yasemin?// Yaso: Mom can you leave us alone for a bit?// Yaso: sit.. you know you hurt me a lot.// Mehmet. Please forgive me. I am so sorry. // Yaso: since when was this going on?// Mehmet: this was not a relationship. It only happened once. It was not important. // Yaso: will it happen again. // Mehmet: no. Never. I will not lose you again. I love you so much. I will do anything to make you forget all of this. // Yaso: everything?// Mehmet: everything whatever you want. I will make you forget.// Yaso: do you know what I did after I saw you with Mujde? // Mehmet : what?// Yaso: I went to bodrum. I went to a bar and slept with the first guy I saw. // Mehmet: yeah.. // Yaso: Why are you laughing?// Mehmet: you cannot do such a thing. // Yaso: Oh but I did. // Mehmet: no, you are only saying this to hurt my feelings.//


  • Dina56 pe 20 Ian 2010, 10:11
    Buna dim.

    Buna dim dragi eve va spun si eu din vest unde nu este zapada doar asa mai cade cate un fulg sa ne aduca aminte ca este iarna. Ma bucur ca azi pot savura cafeaua cu voi , rar se intimpla sa fiu dim acasa. Am mari emotii acum fata mea are un examen f f greu la facultate si trece greu timpul. N-am vazut aseara filmul lui Murat asa ca nu am ce comenta , o sa citesc ce ati scris voi aseara. Va doresc o zi placuta .


  • Silvia25 pe 20 Ian 2010, 10:05

    IARNA-si-a asternut din nou mantia alba stralucitoare formind un covor alb stralucitor si in oraselul nostru.O priveliste frumoasa.


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